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Interview with Valentina – Founder of LELE’S Bakery

Interview with Valentina – Founder of LELE’S Bakery

This week we caught up with Valentina, Founder of LELE’S Bakery.

Can you tell us a little about LELE’S Bakery and how it stands apart from other vegan bakeries?

I am vegan, and so is my great team. We try to support animals and the environment as much as we can through recycled packaging, selecting local suppliers and cooking what is in season. We only sell quality products that we are proud of, and taste is paramount for us.

Where did the idea to start up LELE’S Bakery come from?

I started LELE’S after being inspired by the young food sellers I came across whilst working as Marketing Director for Pop Brixton. A loss in the family gave me a fresh perspective and the kick needed to make the move and LELE’S was born.

The cookery Vegan school is such a great idea, and the classes are so popular, can you tell our readers what you offer?

Mental wellbeing is a cause very close to my heart. With this initiative, I wanted to provide a safe environment for people to come together and learn new skills. I think the pandemic made us feel isolated more than ever, so these classes could be an opportunity for people to socialise and come together.

Is there anything exciting you are currently working on?

A new series of video recipes that I cannot wait to share on our Instagram page.

Best piece of advice you have been given when you first started?

No one does anything for free. It taught me to watch out for people who might want to abuse our trust and take advantage of our work, and at the same time, it pushed me to be kinder. I try to challenge that statement every day by being kind and supporting others and not expecting something in return.

What would your ideal day in London be like?

Lazy morning in bed with a coffee and a paper.

Stroll with the dog.

A visit to the Tate followed by an ice cream.

A bit of shopping in charities shops and independent boutiques.

Pizza on the sofa and a glass of vino.

To order from LELE’S Bakery visit:

Photography courtesy of LELE’S Bakery

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