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Interview with Maxy Razor – Choreographer

Interview with Maxy Razor – Choreographer

We caught up with Choreographer, Movement Director and Dancer Maxy Razor to find out how he became a professional dancer and why he’s the go to Choreographer for learning to dance in heels.

At what age did you start dancing and when did you realise you wanted to dive into the world of dancing professionally?

I started dancing at 14 years old at school in a contemporary company. I continued to dance throughout my school years and decided to pursue this further at college. After 3 years at college I then went to a school for musical theatre in Manchester and I think this decision was the one that really made me feel like this was going to be the rest of my life! Moving to a big city and doing something that I loved and I haven’t looked back since.

We are obsessed with you Instagram videos of you dancing in heels, such sass! Tell us more about your dance classes with heels?

Well thank you firstly, we sure do have a good time getting sexy and sassy. I have to say it was by chance I ended up teaching in heels, I was being mentored by a choreographer (Christina Andrea) who at that time had her own heels class which she suggested I take over as the femme style was something I was good at as well as wanting to push my teaching and choreography. This was a little over 4 years ago now and I’ve never looked back. I hope to create a safe, fun place where girls, guys and everyone in-between can come and have a great time dancing and get their training in heels.

If we wanted to join a class, how would we sign up? Are you currently teaching dance lessons on zoom?

In the current climate I am teaching my classes online via the Pineapple Dance Studios Live system which can be booked through their website or app. They take place on Tuesday evenings 7-8pm and Wednesday afternoons 4:30-5:30pm. When things go back to normal you can find me on a Tuesday night @ Pineapple Dance Studios from 8:30-9:30pm and @ Base Dance Studios from 2:30-4pm.

Are you working on any projects at the moment?

I’ve actually just come off the back of hosting my first dance intensive weekend where I had about 30 students join me and a host of other teachers/dance professionals and agents over 2 days for classes, talks and a chance to be signed by an agent. It was a great success and I will be looking to do another for when we can get back in the studio. I have a few things on the back burner that might be getting off the ground soon too.

Best piece of advice you would give someone trying to break into the industry?

My best advice is to work hard and be patient! The same in any industry, it is unlikely to go into the top position without some experience so, educate yourself and work as much as you can. Oh and always be nice, people will always want to work with you if you are nice.

If you had a free day in London to do whatever you want, no limits, where would you go??

Wow what a question, I think considering the last year (The announcement of a pandemic) I would love to go for a nice meal somewhere, go and see a show and then head to a bar Ha! what was so normal is now what I’d dream to do, crazy!

For more information on Maxy or to book a class with him visit:

Photography by Nyla Sammons

#danceteacher #dancing #maxrazor #Maxyrazor

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