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Interview with Freya Twigden – Founder of Fix8

Interview with Freya Twigden – Founder of Fix8

This week we caught up with Freya Twigden, Founder of Fix8 on her inspiration in creating a kombucha brand, the branding, why gut health is important and much more!

Can you tell us a little about Fix8 and what inspired you to create a Kombucha drinks brand?

I was living in Shanghai when I started studying Chinese medicine and learnt the importance of gut health! This led me on a journey into fermented food – and of course, kombucha! I started drinking kombucha in shanghai and became obsessed! It made me feel so energised, I couldn’t believe this delicious fizzy drink could also be good for me when I was used to drinking just normal sugary sodas that had the adverse effect. I returned back to the UK and started to brew my own, it’s spiralled from there really!

We love how colourful and playful the brand is, where did this idea come from?

I looked at how Kombucha was being branded around the world and everything felt quite hippy dippy or medicinal, and that wasn’t appealing to me as a consumer! I am young, and wanted a cool sexy brand I would feel good about drinking – not want to hide it away! So I always knew I wanted the Fix8 brand to be fun, playful and stylish. I also think kombucha is such a fun, vibrant drink – so we tried to reflect this idea in the brand strategy too. Ultimately – wanting to bring healthy drinks into the modern world as something trendy, accessible and playful.

Is there anything new you are currently working on to expand the range?

Yes! We have some really exciting things in the pipeline for Fix8 and beyond. We are also building a sister company to Fix8 which will be launching Feb 2023. The running theme between them is gut health! We have a range extension for Fix8 launching too next year – think of something that’s quintessentially British, goes into kombucha, but is also good for your gut health – can you guess?

FiX8 Drinks

What’s been your biggest challenge so far?

I think education has been a big challenge. Kombucha in the UK unlike other drinks is not as established – compared to the USA where it is a billion dollar industry! It still needs explaining, again and again, that kombucha is pronounced ‘ kom-boo-cha ‘ and is a fermented tea drink that’s good for gut health! We won’t stop until the world knows, but it would be helpful to take over a few billboards I reckon and educate the world on how good it is for you!

What has been the most valuable piece of advice you have ever been given?

Start with the end in mind. I remember having a poignant conversation with someone over lockdown who said to me: what is your goal, what do you want to achieve with this business, where do you want to be in 5, 10 years’ time? Start there, and work backwards. Have a clear goal, it’s so important to maintain daily focus and strive towards it.

If you had a free day in London to do what you want, where would you go?

I’m a big nature and food lover so this will probably dictate the day! I’d start with a nice long walk somewhere green, maybe Hampstead Heath and have a quick dip in the ponds too – rain or shine. Then a cosy brunch with too much coffee, the Sunday papers and a steamy porridge (I’m an oats gal!). A mooch along Colombia Road, some spontaneous flowers and then I could go one of two ways: treat myself to a massage and early night, or go out for a lavish Sunday roast (at the Marksman Pub!).. and always get dessert.

For more information on Fix8 visit

Photography courtesy of Fix8

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